السبت, ديسمبر 14, 2024
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الرئيسية » أخبار محلية » Rami Hassan was shot 5 times by Israeli soldiers

Rami Hassan was shot 5 times by Israeli soldiers

Mr. Rami Hassan was shot 5 times by Israeli soldiers, from a distance of less than 5 meters, because he was trying to defend his land from Israeli settlers attacks. (He was shot in his arm by 3 rubber bullets, and one lead iron; and was also shot in his chest by a rubber bullet).

On September 23, 2011, clashes erupted in the Palestinian village of Qusra after Israeli settlers stormed the village waving Israeli flags. Israeli soldiers subsequently raided the village, resulting in the killing of a 33 year-old Palestinian father, as well as the injuring of 5 other Palestinians.

By: Jerusalem Legal Aid and Human Rights Center

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